frequently asked questions (F.A.Q.)
essentials of congress
- Who is the target audience of PHPCon? Should I have any base skills in PHP to learn something? From beginning, PHPCon Poland sets it's sights on skill sharing of intermediates and experts in PHP. However, for beginners, our congress is a great opportunity to do networking and meet persons, who know everything or almost everything about PHP, thus they'll be able to much faster improve their skills.
When do you announce the program?
The content of agenda is well-known and announces on this site.
We still agree detailed schedule with speakers and plan to announce it in a few days.
Generally, we start on Friday at 10:00 with series of workshops in two parallel paths. The official opening we plan on Friday, at 4:00pm or 5:00pm. Closing remarks should come at early afternoon on Sunday.
legal issues
- What about the attendance – is the registration and payment mandatory? Yes, registration applies to all attendees and there's no exception. It concerns organisers, speakers and sponsors also. Even if you don't book a bed in hotel, you'll use other services though, i.e. accreditation or meals, which are included in the base price. Therefore, even if we (exceptionally) pick up the tab instead of you – you still have to register.
Where is the price list? What is the total cost of attendance this year?
The price list is not ready yet. We'll announce it before the registration start.
Prices shouldn't differ significantly from last year ones, because the meeting is in same venue.
Having in mind the price list's simplifying and standardising, this year we enter one flat rate, irrespective of the registration moment. In exceptional situations we suppose promotional discounts (such as e.g. Early Bird or reserve speaker's reduction).
Also, all attendees will obligatory receive VAT invoices for their attendance. The possibility of applying for special reduction in respect of financial predicament is a new of this year. On the other hand, we don't provide any discounts for group registrations, as usually. - Can I expect any discounts this year? Yes, the discount is for example Early Bird promotion or speaker reimbursement. You can also apply for special reduction in respect of financial predicament, but remember that we will require a strong legitimisation of it.
hotel services
- Is the overnight stay in Ossa Hotel obligatory? No, you don't have to buy it, however we strongly recommend such choice. Mind that the congress lasts non-stop and many things happen beyond official agenda, so even if you live near, it is worth to book a bed in hotel. You gain much, because the event is much more than talks and workshops. What else? – you must attend to know! Thus, a good advice: risk a bit, visit us, and when you leave you can answer, whether it was worth to do it or not.
- How many beds are in the rooms? Hotel offers single and double rooms only. It regards all categories – both Standards, Premiums, Standard Suites and Premium Suites.
Which meals are included in the price?
There are: dinner on Friday and lunch and dinner on Saturday in the price
and this is the base, with no exceptions. Rest of meals depend on choosen arrival day, as follows:
- Thursday – dinner on Thursday, bed Thu/Fri, breakfast and lunch on Friday, bed Fri/Sat, breakfast on Saturday, bed Sat/Sun, breakfast on Suday
- Friday – bed Fri/Sat, breakfast on Saturday, bed Sat/Sun, breakfast on Sunday
- Saturday – bed Sat/Sun, breakfast on Sunday.
- I want to share my room with John, and Andrew with Dorothy. The registration form doesn't contain proper fields. How to inform you about it? Be patient. We plan to publish our pairing form at the end of August. We announce it in advance via our mailing. Nowadays, just select an accommodation type and see to be the same as the person you want to share the room.
Didn't find the answer? Contact us – we'll be glad to help you!